Our first weeks here were COLD. We are talking negative numbers with a windchill of even bigger negatives! And if you haven't heard me say it before, there is a LOT of wind around here! So we kind of just layed back, caught up on some homeshool, and made as few trips as possible outside. Lately though, the weather has been almost beautiful again. Temperatures were up in the 50's, which felt like a heat wave. So with better weather around, we were able to get a few things done around here.
First off... Getting the bunnies transfer into their new homes. Our oldest son helped me drill a whole in the top of one of the cages so that we could insert a mini heat lamp for the smaller of the bunnies. I showed him how to calk the edges so that it stays weather proof, and he was excited to give it a try. It might not look professional, but there wont be any water getting in around the hole LOL.
Eventually, I plan on having an area at the edge of our lawn (we don't even have any grass yet, so this may be a while) That is similar to this:
Where my bunnies and ducks can have an area to play. But, first things first.
Like a chicken house....Ya thats its own story.
So, we bought this DIY shed kit from Menards. We knew it wound't be anything fancy, but thought it would be a quick and easy shelter for the chickens we hope to soon have.
RIIIGHT! That thing has a gazillion pieces, and once you get most of the frame pieces bolted together, guess what the instructions say..... This next part may take several hours to complete and must be done all at once. DO NOT attempt these next steps if any wind (even a small breeze) is present or expected. ... Ok, those aren't the exact words, but that is what it says. We live in WYOMING! There is always a "slight breeze" present or expected!
Anyway, the other morning is was actually fairly breeze free, so i gathered my older three kids, and we headed out to tackle this project. We were going along pretty good. After about 45 min, We got all four corners attached correctly, and propped up so that the breeze wouldn't bend them should it decide to come along before I could get the braces put on.
Thats when the trouble started. See those lovely braces on the inside of the shed in this photo? (this is a stock photo, I only wish mine had looked like that) Ya, mine wouldn't fit! None of the holes would line up, and even the lengths weren't quite right. I tried them every way possible. I even rechecked the corner pieces to see if we have put them on upside down or something. NOPE. It was together correctly, but still wouldn't go. Hmm. So i sat down with the instructions (anyone who knows me knows i prefer not to use instructions unless necessary) and read through them step by step from the beginning. Everything was done right, those braces just would not fit. Of course by now my kiddos are losing interest in the project, and of course, our breeze starts turning into a much stronger wind. So guess what, we tore it all back apart. 1hr and 30 min worth of work. Needless to say, I was none to excited.
Next time, (because I WILL get that thing put together) it is going to work, one way or another! Even if it has to be a three sided shed instead! LOL
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