Wednesday, November 26, 2014

New Puppy

For the last few years, we have told our kiddos that one of the first things we would do once we bought our own place would be to get a puppy.

Last week, we were able to achieve that dream!  This beautiful little girl is Penny, a 9 week old Golden Retriever. Isn't she adorable?!

The kids are completely in love with her!  She has a sweet temperament, and naturally has good manners.
 Kristi 9, Penny 9 weeks

William is probably the funniest to watch with her.  He has no fear of her, but is gentle (most of the time)

Often you will find him sneaking her food, or laying on her tummy while she is trying to nap.  My favorite is when he lays down next to her to give her kisses.

Penny is very patient with him, and lets him "mug" her without complaint.

She will be a great soon as she is fully potty trained! ;)

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