Thursday, August 13, 2015


I'm sorry it has been awhile since my last post.   Summer has been busy, A lot more busy then we had planned.

I know many of you follow this blog just to keep up with what is new for our family and farm, so lets do a quick recap of the last few months.


*  The boys and I finished up the nesting boxes for our chickens and got them installed into the coop.

*  Coyottes got into our birds, and we lost 4 of our ducks, our Guinea, and about 10 chickens :(

* Our littest kiddos were in my Sister-in-laws wedding, are they not the curtest!

*  Started gathering our FIRST EGGS!

 *Older four got to go to kids camp at our Church for a week
*Started gathering enough eggs to begin a regular delivery system.  Set up drop sites in town, and got eggs to some happy customers :)

* Had fun with the farm animals

* Made it to the park for play dates and fun!

Started July off with tuns of fun.  The kids and I spent the fourth at my parents house, playing in the hottub, sliding down the slip n slide, and setting off some fireworks.  It was a beautiful day.

Later that week, we got the shippment of  30 new chicks, and 8 more ducks that we had ordered to replace the ones that the coyotes had gotten.   When they came in, the kids and I were just as excited as we were last time.   They were so cute and adorable!  

We cleaned up and rearanged the other side of the barn, and got it ready for the new babies
Once the babies were settled, it was time to focus on our youngest.  He was turning 2!  Because of his love for Minions, we decided to go all out and do a minion party.  It was a lot of fun.  I can't believe he is already two!  Slow down little man!  In honor of his birthday, we all dressed up in minion shirts and went to see the new minion movie that actually came out on his birthday.  Always fun when you have that many kiddos LOL.

The rest of July was filled with Cheyenne Frontier days activities, animal chores (and house chores) , parades, BBQ's at friends, Playing in the creek, and the fun news that we have decided to add a bred Berkshire Pig to our farm.   Her name (as decided by the kiddos) is Pepper and she will be joining us in the middle of August, and should have a litter of adorable little piglets the middle of Nov!   




August has also proven to continue to be full of surprises and fun.   Our second daughter Kristi turned 9 and got to have a roller skating party with her friends.

We took all the kiddos down to the fair in loveland to watch my father in law compete with his stock dog, hearding sheep (or goats) around the pen.   After that was done, we hit the bouncy castles, had a HUGE shaved ice, kettle corn, and then spent the rest of the day haging out with Jeff's parents at their house.  It was a lovely day.  

We also acuared a sweet little pot belly pig.  Her name is Petunia.  She came to us via a friends, and has really settled in here.   The kids all love her, and she has taken quite nicely to the goats.  She loves to be pet, and her little tail wags just like a dog's when she is happy.   

Other then that, the animals continue to grow, as do the children.  Michael lost his first top tooth, due to a collision with his sisters head, the kittens are becoming quite the little mousers, the ducks give us all laughs, and the girsl and I have had some great times in the kitchen both cooking and cleaning.  We really do love our life.   

Oh, and one last surprise before I go......

Yup, looks like we will be adding another one to our crew.    And before you ask...

No, we weren't planning on more
Yes, we do know how this happens
Yes, we are excited for the baby
No, I don't really want to be pregnant and fat again lol
Yes, we love having a big family, and 
 YES, we know God has a plan for this baby (just as he does with all our kids), and we are excited we get to be apart of teaching a training him/her up to serve Him.  

Blessings to you all


  1. Such an exciting life!!! God has truly blessed you and Jeff. Love you friend.

  2. Love your explanations regarding your pregnancy announcement! I so relate! Maybe we need t-shirts made up with all those answers :)
