Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sun and Fun!

The SUN was out today! 

 After all the crazy rain and clouds, it is almost too good to be true. 

To make it even better,  we were actually home to enjoy it!  What a beautiful day.  

And what a lot of work that needed some catching up on. 

Our list for the day. ..
1. Get the rest of the posts in around the garden
2. Get the fence up around the garden
3. Mow the jungle, I mean yard.
4. Play with the animals, this is a must!  

So,  do you think we got it all done?

We did!  

The fence was the biggest deal.  We need it up around the garden before my plants start to grow (or get transplanted) because I really don't want my beautiful chickens eating all my hard work. Don't get my wrong,  I love having free range chickens,  but there are just some things they need to stay out of in order to enjoy a long life.  My garden being top on the list.
So with Hubbies help, we got it all finished! *happy dance* 

Then,  because of course we could, we brought the goats over to the garden area and turned them  out to eat weeds. I figured they might as well save me a little work and do some weeding before my plants start to grow.    I don't think they got much weed eating done, however.  They were too busy being mugged by little munchkins who also enjoy the new area.  LOL

After the fence,  we tackled the lawn.   Now we don't really have more than a couple patches of "real" grass,  but thanks to the rain,  we have a bunch of green pasture grass and such everywhere.  And it is getting long.  Like halfway to my knees long.   Problem is,  we only have a push mower to do the job.  And when I say push,  that's exactly what I mean.  It has no automatic drive feature, so it only goes as fast as you can push it.   Because of our small yard the past few years, this was never a big deal. 

Let me tell you,  it is suddenly a VERY big deal when you have a large yard of field grass to cut.   I'm going to have back and arm muscles  to be proud of by the end of summer.  

Can I just say though that I truly love mowing. I  love the smell of fresh cut grass,  and i love the feeling of completing a task that won't need redone in the immediate minutes following, unlike house work.   Am I just crazy? Probably.

After the mowing was done,  that only left us with one more thing to do (ignoring the fact that the inside of the house looks like a tornado, or 6, has been running around in it) PLAY!   

So out come all the critters, and the camera too of course! Here are some of my favorites from the day. ..

So how about you?  Did you get to enjoy the sun today?  Did you have a to do list,  or just a chance to relax and enjoy? 

I would love to hear!



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