Well, here I am again. Have you missed me?! LOL I can not believe how long it has been since I sat down to write here on this blog.
Its not entirely my fault. I did actually try to do a couple of write ups over on the blog page of our new website that I have been playing around with, www.allmanfamilyfarm.wixsite.com/farmlife. But for some reason, when i post anything to that blog, the background turns black, so no one can read the text lol. Guess I will have to go with picture blogging only until i figure it out ;) There is some fun info over there though, so if you haven't checked it out yet, drop in and give me your thoughts. It is still a work in progress.
Other than the issue at the other site, I have no real reason for my lack of correspondence, except to say, I FEEL LIKE A NEW MOM AGAIN!
Seriously! This baby #7 has just really upset the balance of things for me. Not in a bad way, just in a I-act-like-ive-never-had-a-baby-in-the-house-before way. I have become the most unreliable person ever! My house is always a mess, My to-do list for the day never gets done, and I don't even want to talk about the laundry. I can't seem to meet up with anyone I intend to in any sort of timely fashion, and getting out of the house before 9am has truly become a miracle.
So, if you are a friend who I haven't gotten back to yet about something, or a customer that left me a message 3 weeks ago and figured we had just fallen off the face of the earth, I AM SORRY! I have just forgotten. Call me again, or better yet text me so I have written confirmation of what i am supposed to be doing.
Maybe its the fact that my baby really doesn't understand the meaning of sleep, and I've been up 2-4 times a night FOR ALMOST A YEAR, but whatever the reason, be patient with me. Treat me like a new mom who can't even remember to pack a diaper bag in the car when we go places, because thats where I am right now. Thankfully, I have yet to loose, or leave behind, any of my children, so I guess I am wining in that area 😂😂 And look, isn't this little guy just the cutest and totally worth loosing sleep over?!
ANYWAY,Jumping over to farm news, because thats why you're here right? We have quite a few things going on, or about to be going on.
This week, Matthew and Kristi are going to try breeding their new bunnies for the first time. They are very excited to have baby bunnies around again, and if it works out, we should have bunnies ready to go around Easter!
We currently have 10 little piggies running around here, getting fat for a spring butcher.
These are the smallest ones, and they can still squeeze out of the fence, and enjoy coming up to the house looking for dogfood.
I've just realized that I really haven't taken many pictures of the farm or animals lately. Another thing to add to my list....
The first week in March we are expecting our registered Berkshire mamma pig, OT-5, better known as Ode, to have a nice litter of new baby Berkshire piglets.
Within a few days of that, one of the milk cows staying here is supposed to deliver as well, so we will have an adorable little jersey calf running around!
The second week of march, our new batch of baby chick layers are due to arrive. They will be supplementing our chicken flock, to take the place of some of our older birds, as well as some that were lost to coyotes over the year. ALL the kids are looking forward to them.
Then, just 2 weeks later, we are getting a whole bunch of broiler (meat) chicks in. I CAN NOT WAIT to have farm Fresh chicken in my freezer again!
All that news isn't as exciting as this however: We have some amazing new neighbors that are just as excited to homestead as we are, and we are working with them to see if we can start up a small Raw Milk Dairy! Yup! Complete with an actual milk machine and everything ;) Isn't that exciting?! Who wants fresh milk?! Really! If you are interested, and live in the Cheyenne area, it looks like we will probably be selling milk for $10 a gallon, and if you want on our list so I can let you know when it is available, make sure you leave me a comment, or message me, and I'll keep you updated as best I can.
Eventually we are talking about building up to 4-5 milking cows, but for now they have one, ( Molly, a beautiful jersey cow) and we are going to get our little Buffy bred this spring, so that we will have one to add to the mix as well. We actually are looking at buying a second cow that is already in milk, so that we can have two milking right now, and can add Buffy to the milking crowd so we have at least three milking by next year!
There is still a lot of planning, and fence building, and barn building, and, and, AND,... that will have to get done before we truly get going, but it is in the works, and that makes my heart happy in every way!
Well my kids seem to be at the end of their ability to handle life without mom, so I am going to have to sign off for today.
Hopefully I will be able to get back on the blogging bandwagan, and keep you up to date on all the new fun plans that are beginning to fall into place around here.